Building on the Platform
Patient Demographics

Update Patient


The "Update Patient" interaction enables the patient demographic data to be synced and up-to-date between applications and EHRs. This works two ways:

  • The patient data changes in the app and needs to be updated in the EHR. This interaction is described on this page, where the application pushes an updated Patient resource to the EHR.
  • The patient data changes in the EHR and needs to be updated in the app. In that case, the app can subscribe to Patient Updates and gets the new Patient data pushed from the EHR. See the Subscriptions section to learn more about this interaction.

When a patient updates their address in the application, the application's system triggers an update request using the Founda Health Platform. Our platform communicates with the patient's healthcare provider's EHR system through the Update Patient interaction. The availability of this interaction may vary, depending on the provider and the EHR system in use.


A patient can be updated by sending a Patient resource in a FHIR structured JSON body to the Founda Platform. The body has to be sent with a PUT request to the Patient endpoint referring to the patient you want to update with that patient's identifier and depending on your region: https://api.<region><org-x>/fhir/4/Patient/<id>

Example API call