Building on the Platform
Self-service Console
Provider Organizations



Subscriptions can be configured to receive all messages from the Provider Organization that meet certain conditions. We at Founda have created a unique architecture which puts the Provider Organization in the position of utmost control through the concept of Subscription Topics. Refer to the Subscription Service for more explanation on this topic.

Subscription request and catalog

How to enable Subscription Topics

Founda provides a catalogue of standard topics that the user can browse and enable for their own organization. The organization also has the flexibility to enable or disable any topic from their own subscription topics subset at any given time, using the console.

Steps to activate a topic for your organization:

  • Click on the ‘View all topics in catalog’ button in the catalog overview section.
  • Search for the topic you want to activate
  • Click on the ‘Save draft’ button to move it to the draft state
  • Search for your topic again and click on the ‘Activate’ button to enable the topic
Click on ‘Save Draft’ to move it to draft state

Search for the topic saved as draft and activate

The topic is now activated for your organization and will be visible to all the approved clients requesting for subscription access.

Authorize subscription request

Once you have activated subscription topics for your organization, the authorized clients can then start to make new subscription requests for their choice of topic. Founda architecture puts the Provider Organization in control of which clients they wants to give subscription access to.

Review the list of all pending subscription requests

When a new subscription request is made by a provider, it is categorized and ‘waiting for approval’, the user can click on that row to enter another screen which displays the following:

  • Client name and the application provider’s name
  • The webhook URL to which the data will be sent to
  • The reason behind the client’s request for authorization
  • The subscription topic that the client is requesting access for
Review the list of all pending subscription requests

We strongly recommend the organization to review the webhook URL and to perform a security check.

Check the tickbox after the security survey of the webhook and the ‘approve subscription’ button becomes clickable. The organization can then also decide to reject the subscription by clicking on the ‘Reject subscription’ button.

The user can choose to approve or reject the client

Main screen after approval

Once the subscriber is approved, the user is navigated to all subscription request list. The list also can be sorted and filtered using the following inputs:

  • Subscription Topic
  • Name of the Application Provider organization
  • Status of the subscription request
Filtering options for the subscription requests