Founda Subscription Topic Catalog
The Subscription Topic Catalog is standardly filled with all HL7v2.x derived events, as defined in the tables below.
Topic | Trigger | Description |
Admit/Visit Notification | ADT_A01 | This event is sent as a result of a patient undergoing the admission process which assigns the patient to a bed. It signals the beginning of a patient’s stay in a healthcare facility. |
Transfer a Patient | ADT_A02 | This event is issued as a result of the patient changing his or her assigned physical location |
Discharge/End visit | ADT_A03 | This event signals the end of a patient’s stay in a healthcare facility. It signals that the patient’s status has changed to “discharged” and that a discharge date has been recorded. The patient is no longer in the facility. The patient’s location prior to discharge should be entered in PV1-3 - Assigned Patient Location. |
Register a patient | ADT_A04 | This event signals that the patient has arrived or checked in as a one-time, or recurring outpatient, and is not assigned to a bed. |
Pre-admit a patient | ADT_A05 | This event is sent when a patient undergoes the pre-admission process. It can also be used to pre-register a non-admitted patient. |
Change an outpatient to an inpatient | ADT_A06 | This event is sent when a patient who was present for a non-admitted visit is being admitted after an evaluation of the seriousness of the patient’s condition. |
Change an inpatient to an outpatient | ADT_A07 | This event is sent when a patient who was admitted changes his/her status to "no longer admitted" but is still being seen for this episode of care. |
Update patient information | ADT_A08 | This event is used when any patient information has changed but when no other trigger event has occurred. It is recommend that the A08 transaction be used to update fields that are not related to any of the other trigger events. |
Patient departing - tracking | ADT_A09 | This event is used when there is a change in a patient’s physical location (inpatient or outpatient), and is used when this is NOT a change in the official census bed location, as in the case of an outpatient setting. |
Patient arriving - tracking | ADT_A10 | This event is sent when a patient arrives at a new location in the healthcare facility (inpatient or outpatient), and is used when there is a change in a patient’s physical location and when this is NOT a change in the official census bed location, as in the case of an outpatient setting. |
Cancel admit/visit notification | ADT_A11 | This event is sent when an A01 (admit/visit notification) event is cancelled, or for "non-admitted" patients, this event is sent when an A04 (register a patient) event is cancelled. |
Cancel discharge/end visit | ADT_A13 | The event is sent when an A03 (discharge/end visit) event is cancelled. |
Pending admit | ADT_A14 | This event notifies other systems of a planned admission, when there is a reservation or when patient admission is to occur imminently. It is used when advanced notification of an admit is required in order to prepare for the patient’s arrival. |
Pending transfer | ADT_A15 | This event notifies other systems of a plan to transfer a patient to a new location when the patient has not yet left the old location. |
Pending discharge | ADT_A16 | This event notifies other systems of a plan to discharge a patient when the patient has not yet left the healthcare facility. |
Cancel pending discharge | ADT_A25 | This event is sent when an A16 (pending discharge) event is cancelled. |
Cancel pending transfer | ADT_A26 | This event is sent when an A15 (pending transfer) event is cancelled. |
Cancel pending admit | ADT_A27 | This event is sent when an A14 (pending admit) event is canceled. |
Add person information | ADT_A28 | This event can be used to send everything that is known about a person. |
Delete person information | ADT_A29 | This event can be used to delete all demographic information related to a given person. This event "undoes" an A28 (add person information) event. |
Update person information | ADT_A31 | This event is used to update person information on an MPI. |
Merge patient - patient identifier list | ADT_A40 | This event is used to signal a merge of records for a patient that was incorrectly filed under two different identifiers. |
Merge account - patient account number | ADT_A41 | This event is used to signal a merge of records for an account that was incorrectly filed under two different account numbers. |
Move visit information - visit number | ADT_A45 | This event is used to signal a move of records |
Change patient identifier list | ADT_A47 | This event is used to signal a change of an incorrectly assigned PID-3 - patient identifier list value. |
Update allergy information | ADT_A60 | This event is used when person/patient allergy information has changed. |
Topic | Trigger | Description |
New appointment | SIU_S12 | This event is sent when a new appointment has been booked by a 'filler' application. |
Reschedule appointment | SIU_S13 | This event is sent when an existing appointment has been rescheduled. |
Modify appointment | SIU_S14 | This event is sent when an existing appointment has been modified by the 'filler' application. |
Cancel appointment | SIU_S15 | This event is sent when an appointment that has not ocurred is cancelled by the filler application. |
Discontinue appointment | SIU_S16 | This event is sent when an appointment that is in progress has been stopped. |
Delete appointment | SIU_S17 | This event is sent when an appointment that was erroneously scheduled is removed by the filler application. |
No Show appointment | SIU_S26 | This event is sent when a patient did not show up for an appointment. |
Topic | Trigger | Description |
General Order | ORM_O01 | This event communicates information about an order. This includes placing new orders, cancellation of existing orders, discontinuation, holding, etc. |
General Clinical Order | OMG_O19 | This event communicates information about a general clinical order that uses the OBR segment. This includes placing new orders, cancellation of existing orders, discontinuation, holding, etc. |
Laboratory order | OML_O21 | This event communicates information about a laboratory order. |
Pharmacy Order | RDE_O11 | This event communicates a pharmacy/treatment order (ORM message with RXO segment). |
Pharmacy Dispense | RDS_O13 | This event communicates the dispensing a drug or treatment to fill an existing order or orders. |
Pharmacy Refill Authorization | RDE_O25 | This event communicates a refill authorization request originating with the pharmacy. |
Topic | Trigger | Description |
Original document | MDM_T01 | This event communicates the creation of a document without the accompanying content. |
Original document and content | MDM_T02 | This event communitates the the creation of a document with the accompanying content. |
Document addendum | MDM_T05 | This event communicates an addendum to a document without the accompanying content. |
Document addendum and content | MDM_T06 | This event communicates an addendum to a document with the accompanying content. |
Document replacement | MDM_T09 | This event communicates the replacement to a document without the accompanying content. |
Document replacement and content | MDM_T10 | This event communicates the replacement to a document with the accompanying content. |
Topic | Trigger | Description |
Unsolicited Observation | ORU_R01 | The ORU message is for transmitting laboratory results to other systems. The OUL message is designed to accommodate the laboratory processes of laboratory automation systems. |
Unsolicited Point-Of-Care Observation | ORU_R30 | This event instructs the receiving system to create a new order for the observation(s) contained in the message. |
Unsolicited New Point-Of-Care Observation | ORU_R31 | This event instructs the receiving system to search for an existing order for the observation(s) contained in the message. |
Unsolicited Pre-Ordered Point-Of-Care Observation | ORU_R32 | This event instructs the receiver to place the result with the order information included in the message. |
Unsolicited Alert Observation | ORU_R40 | This event is used for observation reports that include an alertable condition. |
Unsolicited Device Event Observation | ORU_R42 | This event is used for observation reports that identify a device-sourced event that is relevant to clinical workflow but that does not require a response from a clinician or clinical management system. |
Unsolicited Patient-Device Association Observation | ORU_R43 | This event is used for observation reports that indicate the association of one patient to one or more health care devices. |
Unsolicited Specimen Oriented Observation | OUL_R22 | This event communicates specimen oriented testing. |
Unsolicited Specimen Container Oriented Observation | OUL_R23 | This event communicates specimen oriented testing. |
Unsolicited Order Oriented Observation | OUL_R24 | This event communicates specimen oriented testing. |
Topic | Trigger | Description |
Post Detail Financial | DFT_P03 | This event is used to describe a financial transaction transmitted between systems. |
Post Detail Financial - Expanded | DFT_P11 | This event is the same as DFT_P03 but applies to a broader set of use-cases. |
Add patient accounts | BAR_P01 | This event is used to communicate the creation of a new account that did not exist before. |
Purge patient accounts | BAR_P02 | This event is used to communicate the elimination of all billing/accounts receivable records. Although a series of accounts may be purged within this one event, we recommend that only one PID segment be sent per event. |
Update Diagnosis/Procedure | BAR_P12 | This event is used to communicate updated diagnosis and/or procedures. |
Topic | Trigger | Description |
Unsolicited Vaccination Record Update | VXU_V04 | This event is used when a provider wishes to update the patient's vaccination record being held in a registry. |