Founda Fundamentals
To understand everything the Founda Platform has to offer and how to efficiently make use of it, it is good to understand a number of basic, but important, underlying concepts: the Founda Fundamentals. A high-level overview of the Founda Fundamentals is given below, but be sure to click on each of the Fundamentals for a detailed explanation!

Clients represent applications from an Application Provider that need to integrate with one or more systems running in a Provider Organization's environment.

A Client can request subscriptions with a Provider Organization in order to receive notifications of (clinical) events happening at a Provider Organization that the application needs to (re)act upon.

Founda's API is fully FHIR-based, allowing the application Clients to interact with Provider Organizations.

The connectors on the platform represent the connection between a Provider Organization and the Founda Health Platform.

Founda offers multiple options to establish a secure connection between a Provider Organization and the Founda Platform.

The Founda Health Platform is standards-based and supports IHE, HL7v2 and FHIR as the most common communication standards.