All interactions with the Founda Health Platform are supported by the Founda Services. Each Service plays an essential role and ensures that integrations are efficient, secure and audited. Check out each of the Service pages to learn more!

Founda's Identity and Access Management (IAM) Service allows providers to manage and control secure access to their data and it allows for quick and accurate verification of all involved parties.

Applications will receive instant updates on vital activities like patient admissions, discharges or changes in contact information.

Founda seamlessly handles the conversion from HL7v2 messages to user-friendly FHIR Bundles containing valuable FHIR resources, and vice versa.

The Health API Service provides a central access point, enabling applications to seamlessly engage with connected Healthcare providers on the Founda Health Platform.

By adhering to industry standards, the Audit Service ensures transparent and accurate logging of activities, bolstering compliance and transparency.