Building on the Platform
Getting Started

Sandbox Testing


In your exploration of our platform, we've streamlined the process using Postman as your go-to API platform. On this page you will find an overview of all Postman environments and collections that will help you test all the interactions on either the Founda Sandbox or the Epic Sandbox.

Postman environment: contains all the variables you need to interact with an API.

Postman collection: contains all the API calls including the required parameters and body.

The Postman collections are grouped per Solution, within each Solution-collection you will find all API calls required to perform the interactions that are described within that Solution.

In order to use the collections with one of the sandboxes, you need the following variables:




The Founda Identity API URL depending on the environment: identity-oauth.<region>


The client ID is part of the client credentials that you received when creating the test client that you're going to use.


The client secret is part of the client credentials that you received when creating the test client that you're going to use.


When you create a test client on the platform, automatically the test client has access to a sandbox. For testing with the example json collection you need the organization id of the sandbox to exchange data with it.


The Founda Health API URL depending on the environment: api.<region>

For a live integration with a hospital, the sandbox_org_id will be replaced with a hospital_org_id. The sandbox integration is only used for testing purposes.


The Founda Health Platform is hosted in different AWS regions and utilizes localized servers. Based on your location and preferences, the URLs for the APIs should be adjusted.

Depending on the region you are in, the base URL to access the Founda HealthAPI should be:

  • EU:<org-x>/fhir/4/...
  • US:<org-x>/fhir/4/...

Access tokens and refresh tokens are generated through the Identity API, using the following URLs depending on the region your organization is hosted in:

  • EU:
  • US:

If you want to use a pre-filled Postman environment, containing all the pre-filled variables described above, we offer a downloadable environment for the EU region that you can use with any of the Postman collections for the Founda Sandbox and the Epic Sandbox that are listed below.

Let us know if you need an example environment for a different region, either for testing or for a production use case. Founda would utilize localized AWS servers that match your needs.

In order to use the interactions of each Solution with the Founda sandbox, you will need an authorized Test Client. This will automatically be authorized by the Founda sandbox.

For each Solution you can import the following Postman collections with each Solution's listed interactions that are working with the sandbox. Don't forget that each sandbox has unique data with unique identifiers, so you will need to change some of the parameters that are used in the requests.

The appointment-scheduling postman collection is currently in development for our sandbox and will be added soon!

For each of the collections you will need to add the client_id , client_secret and the sandbox_org_id of your sandbox in the Founda EU Server environment. Authenticate your client in the "Authorization" tab and you are ready to go!

For each FHIR (R4) Resource, test data objects are automatically generated in the Founda Sandbox. You can create your own test data by posting FHIR Resources to the various resource endpoints.

Never send real patient information to any of the sandboxes.

You can purge data stored in your Founda Sandbox using a $purge operation. This operation can be used at the instance, resource, and organization level using the following requests:

Instance level

This will permanently remove the resource data identified by its (FHIR) resource ID.

  • https://api.<region><your sandbox>/1/health/fhir/4/Patient/<resourcId>/$purge

Resource level

This will permanently remove all resources of the specified resource type (e.g. Patient, Encounter, ServiceRequest, etc.).

  • https://api.<region><your sandbox>/1/health/fhir/4/Patient/$purge

Organization level

This will permanently remove all data in your sandbox.

  • https://api.<region><your sandbox>/1/health/fhir/4/$purge

In order to use the Epic sandbox collection, you will need a Client that is authorized by the Epic sandbox. In order to do this, create a client in the console for your Organization of type: production with sufficient scopes. After creating your Client, create an authorization request for your Client for the "Epic Sandbox" organization. Once you have requested authorization, send an email to notify us of your request. Founda will make sure to grant you access and notify you when you can start using the Epic Client's credentials to interact with the sandbox.

For the Epic Sandbox you can import the following Postman collection with examples of FHIR requests that are working with the sandbox.

The following collection appears:

Document image

Add the client_id and client_secret in your Founda EU Server environment, authenticate your client in the "Authorization" tab and you are ready to go!