Retrieve Allergy Intolerance
Retrieve a patient's allergies and intolerances directly from the EHR. Essential for understanding sensitivities, this data aids applications in ensuring patient safety and tailored care plans.
To access this clinical data you'll need the patient identifier, obtainable through the Retrieve Patient interaction.
Clinical Warning: Founda can only retrieve the allergies and/or intolerances that are registered for this patient at the integrated healthcare provider. If there is an empty response, that does not always mean that the patient doesn't have any allergies and/or intolerances. It only means that there are none registered at this healthcare provider.
Retrieving the list of allergies and/or intolerances can be done by sending a GET request. The request is sent to the AllergyIntolerance endpoint:
Where <region> should be defined according to the different Founda regions and <org-x> should be replaced with the Healthcare Provider's organization ID that you are integrated with.
The response contains a Bundle with 0, 1 or N matching AllergyIntolerances. The full AllergyIntolerance resource can be retrieved with the identifier of the selected AllergyIntolerance from the result set.
Founda adheres to recognized standards (IHE, HL7 FHIR) to ensure compatibility and harmonization among diverse systems. If there is a profile available for an interaction, it is recommended and preferred to follow the prescribed transactions.
The Retrieve Allergy Intolerance interaction with the Founda Platform is based on the IHE QEDm profile. To indicate that the request and response should comply with PCC-44, the _profile parameter should be included to the search set: .../AllergyIntolerance?_profile=
In order to comply with the PCC-44 transaction, the interaction should at least support the parameter in the table below. Additional search parameters, as defined in the FHIR AllergyIntolerance resource, can be used as well.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
patient | reference | Y | The patient to retrieve the Allergy and Intolerance overview for |